August 10, 2016 | Posted in:Vellum News


Diana Wege’s Nine Lives exhibit focuses on three ideas which Wege holds dear: the environment, music and art. Through a grid system Wege comments on the transitory and delicate nature of her obsessions. These manifest in a series of abstract marks which resemble leaves, water, dirt, brush strokes and musical notes.  Even though most of the work is abstract there is a strong narrative present and eventually the 8 x 10 surfaces and different sized grids become one to resemble musical scores, waves and landscapes. Wege does a good job of initiating a story line and then allowing the viewer to finish it. She also has the ability to capture the moment of her inspiration. Other additions to the show include memorabilia from her life as a young artist, which include photographs of her during the time she made the work, pictures of her children and copies of books which have inspired her such as James Joyce’s Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. In another room Wege brought in her blue harpsichord which she has performed on several occasions impromptu.

The exhibit’s title Nine Lives is a metaphor to the catch phrase used to describe the number of times a cat can jump from a high place and live. In Wege’s case it references our carelessness towards the environment. Two decades later it continues to be a symbol of the ideas which have shaped Wege as an artist and a person. Through August 28th, CENTRAL BOOKING, 21 Ludlow Street, NY, NY 10002